Appears on Words and Music episode 003
I only cheat for chocolate, said the diabetic dryly.
At times I pinch leftover treats from off the children’s plates.
I like my crisps, of course I do, but I don’t eat them daily.
I show restraint, especially on the school run, while I wait.
I only take a candy bar or two.
An Allsort here, a Humbug there.
I’ll only have a very few.
I only cheat for chocolate, and I only cheat a little.
I only cheat when I can cheat in secret, bite by bite.
I only cheat for chocolate, and I only cheat at weekends.
The cheating is a secret, I’m most secretive at night.
I only cheat for chocolate, and I munch enthusiastically.
Its cocoa dribbles run right down my chin and to my shirt.
A cream egg yolk is what I craved, I stuffed it in quite drastically.
I bought a pack of six, so just one more aint going to hurt.
Its only there a moment on my tongue.
It’s worth it, though. It’s so deelish.
It never lasts for long.
I only cheat for chocolate, and I only cheat a little.
I only cheat when I can cheat in secret, bite by bite.
I only cheat for chocolate, and I only cheat at weekends.
The cheating is a secret, I’m most secretive at night.