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paperback £5.99

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isbn 9798825849058

available from amazon

pages 125

Live Or Let Die – Euthanasia Decisions

Euthanasia is concerned with decisions relating to the 'end of life', and is a major focus for public, academic and legal debate. Emotional responses dominate and range from calls for more liberalisation to dire warnings that society has now embarked upon a 'slippery slope'. The legal and ethical issues which flow from the euthanasia debate, encompass a wide range of matters which permeate medical law by questioning the respective roles of both the medical and legal professions.

This work considers definitions of euthanasia, case studies and related law in the UK and Netherlands. This work emphasises the powerful struggle that exists in law, medicine and ethics, as regards the nature, scope and foundations of the 'right' to choose the manner of one's own death. Our thought-provoking conclusion: "Under what conditions, if any, is it permissible for patients and health professionals to arrange for assisted suicide, or voluntary active euthanasia?"

Dr David Holding studied history at Manchester University before entering the teaching profession in the 1970s. He taught in both state and independent sectors. During this time, he continued historical research culminating in both a Master's degree and a Doctorate. Having previously studied law, David gained a Master of Law degree in Medical Law, which enabled him to transfer to teaching legal courses at university. Since retiring, David has concentrated his research and writing on various aspects of local history, legal trials, forensic science and medico-legal topics.


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